How it Works - An Introduction to Patient Priorities Care
Drs. Mary Tinetti and Aanand Naik review the basics of PPC through narrated slides, including an in-depth overview of why PPC is important and how it works.
Facilitator Training - Narrated Training: Helping Patients Identify Their Health Priorities
For healthcare professionals of all disciplines, these narrated video slides teach facilitators how to identify health priorities with patients. Healthcare professionals will learn how to introduce and ask the questions that reveal a patient’s priorities, including their core life values (What Matters to them), their health outcome goals (what they want their healthcare to help them do), and their healthcare preferences (what they are and are not willing and able to do in service of those goals).
This is a self-directed, two-part training. Part 1 is 30 minutes long and Part 2 is 16 minutes long.
Clinician Training - Narrated Training: Aligning Care with Patients’ Health Priorities
For clinical care providers, these narrated video slides teach an overview of what clinicians need to know and do to align their decisions and care with patients’ health priorities. Clinical care staff will learn the three key decisional strategies to identify and overcome typical challenges faced while operationalizing care plan changes guided by identified patient priorities.
This is a self-directed, one-part training that is 35 minutes long.
Guidance for Aligning Decisions with Patients’ Priorities
For clinical care providers with current care planning responsibilities, this online tool provides steps and strategies for addressing common clinical scenarios and challenges in aligning care with patients’ health priorities.
How to Use PPC in Your Practice: Virtual Tele-Mentoring Training to Apply PPC in Your Practice
A live, telementoring training designed to promote the practice of PPC for both facilitators and clinicians through the use of case-based coaching is currently being offered. Sessions are presented virtually by PPC expert faculty. Didactic portions of the workshop outline how to identify and align current care using the Patient Priorities Care (PPC) approach, and are supplemented by case presentations, case-based coaching, and group discussion.
PPC is an approach to decision-making that aligns healthcare decision-making with each person’s own health priorities – the health outcome goals they most desire given the healthcare tasks they are willing and able to do to achieve them. This approach has been shown to be feasible in clinical practice and associated with a number of improved outcomes including:
1) Reduced treatment burden;
2) Reduction of unwanted care;
3) Increased desired care.
Who Should Take This Course?
Healthcare professionals who care for older or medically complex patients with multiple chronic conditions and who want to use PPC in their practice.
Certification: Participants who attend at least 5 of 6 live sessions will receive a certificate in Patient Priorities Care Expertise and will be prepared to mentor and coach colleagues in the use of PPC.
Healthcare educators who teach students to care for older or medically complex patients and who want to include PPC in their training curriculum.
Certification: Participants who attend at least 6 of 7 live sessions will receive a certificate in Patient Priorities Care Education and will be prepared to train the next generation of the healthcare workforce in the use of PPC.
Patient Priorities Care Training
Additional training resources and point-of-care tools to support your practice of the PPC approach are available on the Patient Priorities Care website.